COMBS Summer Internship Program
We are announcing a COMBS internship program for the 2024-2025 summer.
We are inviting Australian and New Zealand undergraduate students in physics, engineering or other relevant discipline who have finished second or third year to work in the labs of one of the investigators for a period of 6 weeks (payment $750 per week).
This will be followed by a fully-paid two-day program for all the interns in Adelaide at the end of the summer. There you will be able to explain your summer research to others, meet the other interns in person, and you will learn more about COMBS and its research.
The projects we are offering can be found below.
How to apply
Applications should be sent to the prospective supervisor (email addresses are provided below) and should consist of:
- A cover letter, indicating your interest in a particular project;
- A copy of your academic record;
- A CV;
- Evidence of enrolment at an Australian or New Zealand university.
Applicants should also arrange for a letter of reference to be sent directly to the prospective supervisor. Ideally, this letter comes from a lecturer who knows you or from someone who has supervised you in a previous research project.
Applications should be received by Friday 20 Sept 2024.
Applying for more than one project
If you are interested in multiple projects, please indicate these in your application in order of preference. We will consider you for those projects if you are not selected for your first-ranked project. However, please do not apply to more than one supervisor.
For information about particular projects, please contact the prospective supervisor.
For general questions, please contact A/Prof. Irina Kabakova (

Why do an Internship with COMBS?
Connect with a global network of researchers
The ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science (COMBS) is a collaboration between eighteen researchers at eight different Australian Universities in four different states and territories, with international partners from all around the world.
The aim of the Centre is to conduct research optical frequency combs sources that emit light at millions of different, equally-spaced frequencies. Based on this technology, COMBS aims to develop and drive society-wide transformations in the fields of biomedical imaging, communications, precision measurement and astronomy.
In one of our projects we aim to develop novel microscopy methods for the detection of diseases, while in others we aim to measure whether the constants of nature are truly constant; whether we can increase the data rate of the internet; and whether we can develop better methods to detect earthquakes.
Summer Internship Projects
Supervisor: A/Prof Irina Kabakova (University of Technology Sydney)
Project Description: Join the UTS node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science and learn about frequency comb lasers, their principles of operation and applications in optical spectroscopy and microscopy. In this project, you will work with recently acquired narrow-band frequency comb source, emitting 750-780 nm light. Your task will be to apply the principles of nonlinear optics and to use specialty fibre as a nonlinear optical medium, to drive light-matter interaction and broaden the spectrum of the frequency comb source towards the visible wavelength range (<650 nm). Broadband frequency comb emission then can be used for fast measurements of absorption properties in various media, from gases to solids.
- Learn the physical principles of a frequency comb laser and characterise the spectrum of the laser in the lab.
- Learn the principles of nonlinear optics and how nonlinear processes such as self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing can help to broaden the spectrum of light.
- Utilize new knowledge in designing a laser broadening experiment, including finding and selecting the suitable nonlinear mediums.
- Work in collaboration with the research team to interpret data and refine experimental results.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering, particularly those fascinated by laser physics and precision measurements. Ideal for those with lab work experience, especially some practical skills working with bulk optics, optical fibres and lasers.
Please send your application for this research project to: Irina Kabakova (
Supervisor: Prof. Martijn de Sterke and Dr Carlo Silvestri (University of Sydney)
Project Description: Frequency microcombs combs are chip-based sources of light consisting of a large number of spectral lines that are equally spaced in frequency. They have applications as diverse as microscopy, precision measurements in astronomy telecommunications, and elsewhere. One of the phenomena required for generating frequency combs is dispersion, the frequency dependence of the refractive index. Your task is to carry out detailed modelling of frequency comb generation in the presence of specially designed dispersion and to see how this dispersion affects the performance.
- Learn the principles of nonlinear optics and how processes such as self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing can broaden the light spectrum.
- Learn how dispersion affects the propagation of light pulses.
- Learn the physical principles of a frequency microcombs and how they are modelled.
- Work in collaboration with the research team to interpret data and refine numerical results.
Who should apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering. It is ideal for those with computer experience and interest in theory.
Please send your application for this research project to: Martijn De Sterke (

Supervisor: Dr Moritz Merklein, Dr Ziqian Zhang, Dr Choon Kong Lai (University of Sydney)
Project Description: Join the University of Sydney node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science (COMBS) and learn about frequency combs, their principles of operation and applications, and be fully immersed in the research group. In this project, you will work with electro-optic modulators to create a frequency comb in optical fibre. You will study the comb in the time and the frequency domain and learn how the two domains are linked. You will then use nonlinear optical effects in different fibres to further broaden the comb via nonlinear mixing. At the end of the project, you will have created your own frequency comb that can be used in the Centre of Excellence for signal processing and generation, as well as test and measurement.
- Learn the physical principles of an electro-optic frequency comb generation and characterise the frequency comb in the time and frequency domain.
- Learn the principles of nonlinear optics and how nonlinear processes such as self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing in optical waveguides can be utilised to broaden the spectrum of the frequency comb.
- Collect your own data and work in collaboration with the research team to interpret data and refine experimental results.
- Package your frequency comb in a portable box so it can be used for future research projects.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering, particularly those fascinated by laser physics and nonlinear optics. Ideal for students with lab experience, especially some practical skills working with optical fibres, modulators, amplifiers, and lasers (but not a prerequisite).
Please send your application for this research project to: Moritz Merklein
Supervisor: Dr Ziqian Zhang (University of Sydney)
Project Description: The ARC COMB Centre of Excellence Sydney-Uni node is taking optical frequency COMB from theoretical principles to practical applications, such as sensing and communications. In this 6-week full-time internship, you will have the unique opportunity to study, build, and characterise a fibre mode-locked laser, a key device for generating optical frequency COMBs. We will use the f-2f self-referencing to measure the carrier envelop offset frequency (CEO). This source will be a reference COMB source in the future, enabling a wide range of sensing and communication applications.
- Learn the physical principles of a fibre mode-locked laser.
- Build the experimental setup.
- Measure the CEO and study the locking principle.
- Give an 8-minute final presentation to share your study.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd- and 3rd-year students studying physics and mathematics, particularly those fascinated by laser physics. It is ideal for ambitious, hardworking students who want to gain theoretical and practical fibre optics and COMBS lab skills.
Please send your application for this research project to: Ziqian Zhang
Supervisor: Drs Antoine Runge and Van Thuy Hoang (University of Sydney)
Project Description: Frequency microcombs combs are sources of light consisting of many spectral lines that are equally spaced in frequency. They have applications as diverse as microscopy, precision measurements in astronomy and elsewhere, and telecommunications. Though we are aiming for chip-based frequency comb sources, once fabricated their properties are fixed. It is therefore convenient to work with fibre-based devices as they can straightforwardly be modified to change their parameters. Your task is to help build such a fibre-based resonator that can be used for frequency comb experiments.
- Learn how to model and build fibre-based photonic devices.
- Learn the principles of nonlinear optics and how processes such as self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing can broaden the light spectrum.
- Learn how dispersion affects the propagation of light pulses.
- Learn the physical principles of frequency microcombs.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering. Ideal for those with laboratory experience.
Please send your application for this research project to: Antoine Runge
Supervisor: Prof Michael Murphy (Swinburne University of Technology)
Project Description: The Swinburne node of COMBS – the ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science – is leading work on “astrocombs”. These are ultra-precise ‘colour rulers’ for making new measurements possible in astronomy. For example, astrocombs are envisaged to help us identify Earth-like planets around Sun-like stars. Another example, and the focus of this project, is to understand whether astrocombs can help us watch the Universe expand in real time. For this to work, we need to be able to measure the spectrum of an object now (first epoch), and then again in a decade or so (second epoch), to track tiny changes in its speed over time. Your task will be to make some of the first measurements using the spectrum of a quasar (light from around a black hole in a very distant galaxy), recently observed on the Very Large Telescope in Chile, one of the world’s front-line optical telescopes (8-metre diameter).
- Learn how to process the observed spectra into a form that can be analysed, calibrating the colour (wavelength) scale with an astrocomb and other more traditional methods.
- Test different techniques for measuring the cosmic expansion signal. While we do not expect to see that effect in this first epoch data, we can use it to test how to find the signal in future.
- Test whether the astrocomb is helping to make a better measurement.
- Work in collaboration with the research team to interpret the results and try new, alternative techniques.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering, particularly those fascinated by astronomy and precision measurements. Ideal for those with an interest in astronomy observations, precise measurements and data analysis.
Please send your application for this research project to: Michael Murphy

Supervisor: Prof David Lancaster (University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes)
Project Description: Join the UniSA node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science and learn about frequency comb lasers and their principles of operation. In these projects, you will work as part of a team developing and building frequency comb lasers and applying them to new applications. Your task will be to apply fibre amplifiers and non-linear optics to broaden the colour spectrum emitted by the lasers. One approach will employ specialty ‘highly non-linear’ fibre as a nonlinear optical medium to drive light-matter interaction and coherently broaden the spectrum of the frequency comb source across the infrared wavelength range. Broadband frequency comb lines then can be measured and analysed to determine the quality and coherence of the comb. A particularly fascinating aspect of frequency combs is their ability to achieve timing precisions of ~ attoseconds (10-18s).
These projects will provide students the opportunities to work in an advanced laser physics lab and to engage with the new $ 35M Centre of Excellence in laser frequency combs ( The students will work in a well-supported ‘state of the art’ laser laboratory at Mawson Lakes and develop skills in laser devices, the broader photonics area, and numerical simulations.
- Learn the physical principles of a frequency comb laser and characterise the spectrum using state of the art instruments in the laser lab.
- Get introduced to the principles of laser cavities, nonlinear optics, and learn hands-on skills working with optical fibres and free-space optics.
- Utilize new knowledge in designing experiments to stretch the spectrum of frequency comb laser.
- Work in collaboration with the research team to interpret data and refine experimental results.
- Specific projects will be tailored to the students strengths and interests.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering, particularly those fascinated by laser physics and precision measurements. Ideal for those with lab work experience, especially some practical skills working with bulk optics, optical fibres, and lasers.
Please send your application for this research project to: David Lancaster

Supervisor: Dist. Prof Arnan Mitchell and Dr Cesar Sanchez Huertas (RMIT University)
Project Description: Join our multi-disciplinary team at RMIT University node of The ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science (COMBS) and learn about how we can use laser light and microfluidic chips to measure biomolecules (such as proteins) as indicators of disease. One major project we are pursuing is early detection of markers of ovarian cancer which can be easily treated if it is caught early, but is often found too late. You will work closely with our lab-on-a-chip team to explore whether optical frequency combs can enhance the accuracy and sensitivity of biosensor tools so they can one day be used in routine screening via a simple blood test.
- Gain an understanding of the principles of photonic biosensor chip and perform proof of concept experiments measuring tiny changes in refractive index.
- Learn how to optimise the photonic chips signal-to-noise ratio using precision lasers.
- Work with the team to explore how optical frequency combs can improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements
- Explore whether it is possible to use frequency combs to measure more than one sensor simultaneously.
- Contribute to demonstrating the system ability to detect biomarkers of disease and potentially work in collaboration with the research team to interpret data and refine experimental results.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students working in biomedical engineering or who are working on science and technology but are interested to explore the interface between disciplines of physics, technology, mechanical engineering, biochemistry and medical science. The role involves substantial ‘hands-on’ lab work – offering a unique opportunity to engage directly with this cutting-edge technology.
Please send your application for this research project to: Arnan Mitchell (
Supervisor: Associate Professor Jian Zhen Ou (RMIT University)
Project description: Join the ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science (COMBS) at RMIT University to explore the integration of nanomaterials with silicon waveguides and the excitation of quantum optical properties in two-dimensional (2D) materials using laser sources. This project will focus on detecting and characterizing quantum optical phenomena in 2D materials such as graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and metal oxides through various optical measurements. These materials have significant potential for integrated photonics, particularly in developing quantum optical devices. By collaborating with our team, you will conduct experiments to advance on-chip photonics through the hybrid integration of 2D quantum materials.
- Understand the concept of 2D materials, and the mechanical transfer technique of 2D materials
- Learn about the quantum optical property of 2D materials
- Learn how to excite quantum effect of 2D materials
- Learn silicon photonic chip working mechanism
- Understand advanced on-chip photonics through the hybrid integration of 2D quantum materials.
- Participate in research article preparation
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for students studying optical physics and materials engineering, particularly those interested in quantum materials, and integrated photonics. The role involves laboratory work, offering students a unique opportunity to engage directly with cutting-edge technology.
Please send your application to: Jian Zhen Ou (
Supervisor: Prof Sumeet Walia and Dr Taimur Ahmed (RMIT University)
Project Description: In this project, you will explore the intersection of advanced 2D materials and optical frequency combs (COMBS), focusing on developing a photodetector prototype that broadens the spectral response across the visible to infrared (IR) range. Optical COMBS are a series of equally spaced frequency lines, and their applications span from high-precision spectroscopy to advanced imaging techniques. Your work will centre on integrating low-dimensional materials such as Black Phosphorus (BP) and Indium Selenide (InSe) into a heterostructure to create a photodetector capable of detecting the broad spectral range necessary for COMBS applications. BP is selected for its tunable bandgap and strong absorption in the near-IR, which is critical for detecting lower-frequency comb lines. InSe, with its strong absorption in the visible range, complements BP, enabling the detection of higher-frequency comb lines. The heterostructure of these materials is expected to yield a device with enhanced sensitivity across the entire optical comb spectrum, making it ideal for applications in spectroscopy, telecommunications, and precision metrology.
- Apply techniques such as mechanical exfoliation to prepare thin flakes of BP and InSe. Fabricate the BP/InSe heterostructures using dry transfer methods, ensuring precise alignment and clean interfaces.
- Perform photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopy to verify the quality of the heterostructures and their optical properties in the context of COMBS.
- Use absorption spectroscopy to measure the photodetector’s response across the visible to IR spectrum, ensuring it covers the broad range of frequencies generated by optical COMBS.
- Design and fabricate a photodetector prototype that integrates the BP/InSe heterostructure, tailored for detecting the specific frequency lines of optical COMBS.
- Analyze the photodetector’s performance in detecting different segments of the optical COMB spectrum, focusing on metrics such as responsivity, bandwidth, and signal-to-noise ratio.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering, particularly those fascinated by micro/nano-technology and low-dimensional materials. Ideal for those with lab work experience, especially some practical skills working with semiconducting materials, opto/electronic measurements.
Please send your application for this research project to: Sumeet Walia (
Supervisor: Dist. Prof Baohua Jia and Dr Linnan Jia (RMIT University)
Project Description: This project focuses on the development and application of frequency combs in the near to mid-infrared (NIR to MIR) range, utilizing graphene oxide (GO) as a key material. Frequency combs are an essential tool in modern spectroscopy and precision metrology, and their extension into the NIR to MIR spectrum opens up new possibilities for applications in fields such as environmental monitoring, biomedical imaging, and chemical sensing.
Graphene oxide, known for its exceptional optical properties, including broadband absorption and nonlinear optical responses, presents a promising medium for generating frequency combs in these spectral regions. In this project, you will explore the principles of nonlinear optics, specifically focusing on how graphene oxide can be employed to drive light-matter interactions that result in the broadening of a frequency comb’s spectrum.
Your task will involve working with a frequency comb source in the NIR range, characterizing its initial spectrum, and employing graphene oxide as a nonlinear medium to extend the comb into the MIR region. This broadened frequency comb can then be used for high-resolution measurements of absorption properties in various media, ranging from gases to biological tissues.
- Learn the physical principles of frequency comb lasers and characterize the spectrum of the NIR frequency comb source in the lab.
- Gain an understanding of nonlinear optical processes, including self-phase modulation, four-wave mixing, and how these can be leveraged to broaden the spectrum using graphene oxide.
- Design and execute experiments to integrate graphene oxide into the frequency comb setup and optimize the conditions for spectrum broadening.
- Collaborate with the research team to interpret experimental data, refine results, and contribute to the development of novel NIR to MIR frequency comb applications.
Who Should Apply: This project is ideal for 2nd and 3rd-year students studying physics, materials science, or engineering, particularly those with an interest in laser physics, nanomaterials, and nonlinear optics. It is well-suited for students with experience in laboratory work, especially those with practical skills in working with lasers, optical fibres, and material characterisation techniques.
Please send your application for this research project to: Baohua Jia (
Supervisor: Kishan Dholakia and Chris Perrella (University of Adelaide)
Project Description: Join the Adelaide node of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science and learn about frequency comb lasers, their principles of operation and applications in optical spectroscopy and microscopy. In this project, use the concept of laser speckle as a diagnosis approach for a frequency comb. Speckle is a consequence of multiple interference of light creating a granular pattern. This pattern is rich in information about the light source and can be used in an innovative way to ascertain parameters, which in this case will be the attributes of the comb lines. We may perform detection over the widest possible band while bringing the resolution to the single comb-line level.
- Learn the physical principles of a frequency comb laser and explore the spectrum of the laser in the lab.
- Learn the principles of precision measurement of wavelength using speckle
- Utilize new knowledge in designing speckle based system and performing subsequent data analysis
- Work in collaboration with the research team to interpret data and refine experimental results.
Who Should Apply: This project is well-suited for 2nd and 3rd year students studying physics, mathematics, or engineering, particularly those fascinated by laser physics and precision measurements. Ideal for those with lab work experience, especially some practical skills working with optics and computing skills using Matlab or other programming languages.
Please send your application for this research project to: Kishan Dholakia (